Thomas Houston

Sparky head shot keeper 1Thomas Houston is the host of The Fundamentals of Transformation. He is a fine artist and musician who believes that everybody is a creative and that the creative spark can be activated through fun, humor and play.  He loves assisting others in recognizing and expressing their creativity. In addition to his Fine Art background, Thomas has studied with personal development leaders including Jack Canfield, Jim Bunch and Bob Doyle. He lives in Ashland, Oregon where he has a fine art gallery and unique picture framing business.

Thomas’ Special Offer

Create the Creator Program

In this 6 week live group coaching program, we will be looking at the creative seeds inside all of us and activating them and becoming more intentional about how to express your creativity.

This program is for you if:

  • you’ve had a creative idea that you’ve wanted to start working on, or had sitting on the shelf.
  • you’ve started a creative endeavor and then stopped or stalled
  • you don’t have a specific idea or project or expression that you want to create, but just feel that there’s “something” creative inside of you that wants to come out


We will be playing with creating a vision for what you want to create, establishing a plan, releasing resistance, taking inspired action and acknowledging and celebrating successes. We will be using a variety of tools to help move that creative energy along – including but limited to journaling, meditation and EFT.

This is going to be an interactive and FUN experience – with group coaching calls where you can share what your vision and process is; live EFT sessions for releasing blocks and limiting beliefs; and video blogging or vlogging, to break out of your isolation and engage the power of the group for support and success.  We’ll have a dedicated space on Facebook to share our vlogs, comments and support for each other.

The Create the Creator Program runs from November 4th – December 9th.  Calls will be at 12 noon, PT, 3:00 p.m. ET. All calls will be recorded.

This program is normally valued at $500, but for our listeners it’s only $127. Click the REGISTER NOW button to sign up!